The perception study was carried out to identify social investment priority area that can form the basis for future advocacy with the African Union, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and other stakeholders in terms of recognition and reduction of UCDW within the African economy. Identification of social investment by citizen provides a good platform for the generation of appropriate dividends for the promotion of gender equality through the reduction in the weight of UCDW.

Two major objectives of the study were to evaluate the perception of Africans on social investment priority relating to UCDW in Africa, and to recommend future advocacy pathway within the OXFAM WE-CARE Project as it relates to social investment priority in Africa.

This study provided a number of opportunities to enhance the awareness platform for UCDW within the African economy and also provided a platform for Evidence based advocacy with the AU and RECs’ Critical Social investment areas for further interrogations.

More details on the report would be posted soon.